三星半,-日本代表牧野:我抗议,这是盗窃。中国代表偷了我的怀表。这是公开的盗窃!无耻!极端的无耻! -顾维钧:牧野男爵愤怒了,他真的愤怒了。姑且算是我偷了他的金表,那么我倒想问问牧野男爵,你们日本在全世界面前偷了整个山东省,山东省的三千六百万人民该不该愤怒呢?四万万中国人该不该愤怒?我想请问日本的这个行为算不算是盗窃?是不是无耻啊?是不是极端的无耻?…山东是中国文化的摇篮,中国圣者孔子和孟子就诞生在这片土地上。孔子,孔子犹如西方的耶稣,山东是中国的,无论是经济方面,杨敏思水浒传还是战略上,还有宗教文化,中国不能失去山东,就像西方不能失去耶路撒冷。 弱国无外交,望祖国越来越强大和美好。
back2020 i had this vision like phuntsok got pete/husband vibes.......surreal(y BILL BURR looks so thin and old btw TT recommend his podcast with p talking abt this movie (just realized half of the cast are not real actors but they rly acted it out ..still needs to be honed tbh. pete poured his heart out, i respect. petes content as far as i see only to make himslef feel batter kind of way, hes not rlttelling the truth and ints insane how those studio got him back everytime when some big scandal happened. he doesnt have a brain, proper brain, his minds empty, the fact those ppl in the industry rly is the main reason wearing me down ugh. idk what r they thinking.